Career Resources
The AFP Greater Austin Chapter provides you with a direct connection to a valuable array of national, regional, and local fundraising and nonprofit resources. These resources are at your fingertips, anytime. If you know of a resource that is not currently listed and you want to share with your colleagues, please contact us by email at [email protected].
Useful Publications and Links
Board Source - resources for nonprofit professionals and board leaders
The Chronicle of Philanthropy - the newspaper of the nonprofit world
Foundation Center Philanthropy News Digest - authority on organized philanthropy, connecting nonprofits and the grantmakers supporting them with tools and information
The Nonprofit Times - business publication for nonprofits
Regional & Local Nonprofit Resources
ACC Center for Community-Based and Non Profit Organizations - local professional development opportunities and other resources
Austin Business Journal - weekly newspaper with nonprofit news
Austin Community Foundation - manages charitable funds, established by individual donors, corporations, nonprofit agencies and partner foundations in the Austin and Central Texas area
Central Texas Education Funders - membership organization comprised of various funding agencies in and around Austin who focus on education as one of their grantmaking priorities
Greater Round Rock Community Foundation - manages charitable funds, established by individual donors, corporations, non-profit agencies and partner foundations in the Round Rock and Williamson County area
I Live Here I Give Here - nonprofit that cultivates the power of giving back.
Mission Capital - local membership organization that offers trainings, events, services, and resources
Texas Association of Nonprofit Organizations - statewide information on nonprofit organizations, fundraising and philanthropy
Nonprofit Job Seeker Resources
AFP Austin - Central Texas, fundraising careers only
AFP Global - national, fundraising careers only - international, all nonprofit careers
Mission Capital - Central Texas, all nonprofit careers
TANO - statewide, all nonprofit careers
Other Fundraising-Related Professional Organizations
Association for Healthcare Philanthropy (AHP) - international organization for healthcare philanthropy professionals
Charitable Gift Planners of Austin - The Charitable Gift Planners of Austin (CGPA) is an affiliated chapter of the National Association of Charitable Gift Planners (CGP).
Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE) – international organization for advancement professionals in alumni relations, communication ns, fundraising, and marketing
Grant Professionals Association – national organization for grant writers
Grant Professionals Association, Austin Chapter – local association of grantseekers
Partnership for Philanthropic Planning (PPP) (formerly the National Council on Planned Giving NCPG) – national organization for fundraisers, consultants, donor advisors, vendors, and planned giving councils
Other Nonprofit Resources
Better Business Bureau for Charities and Donors - evaluate charities and reports on programs
Charity Navigator - evaluate the financial health of over 9,158 of America's largest charities
CharityChannel - connects nonprofits world-wide
Council on Foundations - resources, tools, webinars, and conferences that help bring legislators, educators, and other leaders together to accomplish philanthropic endeavors
The Giving Institute - connects nonprofit thought leaders world-wide
Guidestar - analyze and evaluate nonprofits
National Center for Charitable Statistics - national clearinghouse of data on the nonprofit sector in the United States
National Charity Volunteer Opportunities - list of volunteer opportunities offered nationwide
National Committee of Responsive Philanthropy - independent watch-dog of foundations
Stanford Social Innovation Review - magazine and website that covers cross-sector solutions to global problems
Urban Institute - conducts and disseminates research on the role and impact of nonprofit organizations and philanthropy
U.S. Government Nonprofit Information - government grants, tax, and other information